
Symptoms of anxiety

Symptoms of anxiety can include:

  • Racing heartrate
  • Flushing and/or feeling warm or tingly
  • Hyperventilating or panicking
  • Loss of appetite
  • Trouble falling or staying asleep
  • Feeling a need to escape or feeling trapped
  • Feeling insecure
  • Unnecessary worry or rumination
  • Catastrophizing (always thinking about the worst that could happen)
  • Having difficulty calming yourself down

If you are concerned you may have anxiety, consider counseling and/or talking with your doctor. Medication can often alleviate symptoms more quickly, but many anti-anxiety medications are designed for either short-term or “as needed” use and are not designed to be taken every day. Counseling can help teach you how to challenge anxious thoughts and do a better job of calming yourself down in stressful situations

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