Symptoms of anxiety

Symptoms of anxiety can include: If you are concerned you may have anxiety, consider counseling and/or talking with your doctor. Medication can often alleviate symptoms more quickly, but many anti-anxiety medications are designed for either short-term or “as needed” use and are not designed to be taken every day. Counseling can help teach you how […]

What is depression?

Symptoms of depression can include: If you are concerned you may have depression, consider counseling and/or talking with you doctor. Medication can often alleviate symptoms more quickly, but counseling can help teach you how to respond differently to those depressive thoughts and behaviors.

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is defined as trouble with falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. It can last for a few months to several decades. Often a major life stressor can trigger insomnia, but sometimes it can happen without a trigger. What is CBT-I and how does it work? CBT-I stands for Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia. It provides […]

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